The PTA heirarchy has authorized the
listing of these connections to other-minded Esoterics.

The man who's art epitomises the esoteric & unusual. You
may recognise his work from PBS' Mystery.
Edward Gorey
The mind that brought you Twin Peaks & Lost Highway. The
God of bizzare cinema.
David Lynch
The genius who created the 'Hitchhiker's Guide Of The Galaxy'
has sadly passed away. He & his mind will be greatly missed. PTA strongly suggests
that you read his work. You'll be greatly rewarded by the action.
Douglas Adams' Homepage
A gathering taking place in the dark of night...or maybe
just a bunch of really talented fellows who like what they do?
Lesser Unknown God
A digital master of the cyber-arts.
Chris Adams: Artist/Animator
She's the greatest editor that I've ever known..& the most
Bari's Bio
Bio #2
IMDB page
The best cooking show was created by the mind of this guy!
What?...cooks are artists to!
Alton Brown.com
A new site featuring the work of the esoteric writer, director,
& cinematographer Adam Barnick.
Adam barnick.com
IMDB page
His first major released motion picture!

The East coast chapter of the gloabally known ASIFA
orgaanization. Eternally pursuing animated art in all forms!
Animators uniting across the East Coast for the cause of
animation. Join them & salvation shall follow!
Animators Unite, Inc.™
A brand spankin' new animation studio for the 21st century.
Inky Dinky Animation Studios
The world wide web's network for everything animated....&
then some!
Animation World Network
The crusaders of artist's rights! They fight for those that create!
Graphic Artists Guild

Where's there's foo, theire's fire! And where's there
fire, there's Smokey!
The fireman, not the bear. NOTARY SOJAK!!
The Official Smokey Stover Website!
Question: What's a 'Nixie'? Answer: A water sprite..and an extremely talented artist with claws!!!
One talented mind. Pages & pages of fabulous artwork!
This is her brand new page. Pay it a visit & rejoice! Negamii
This one is one of her older pages. Another must see!The
Crow's Homepage
A teacher with a lot of compassion & wisdom. PTA recomends
Haiku George with a side of Bav.
Elizabeth's Homepage
A artist who has mastered not only art, but also kick-boxing.
Take a look at both of her sites & be amazed.
Tenth Planet Art
Along with her constantly updated 'Mighty Ducks:The Animated Series' fun &
message board at Calio Sidhe's art
A triad of artists making their mark on the net & beyond.
Tania, Rachel & Vicki bring you...
Three secret agents, one frustrated commanding officer and
lots of explosives. Visit the comic that made 'Aww, nuts' funny again.
The Adventures of Team-V
The name doesn't tell you a thing about what it is. Just go see what you see in
Exploding Dog
Scales and a frill that can knock out a gorilla. It must be Lizardbeth.
Lizardbeth's Realm

A musical group with a sound all their own. Listen to
their sound clips & let them hypnotise you.
Tin Hat Trio's Homepage
It seems that every animation studio has one common thread,
they all have one They Might Be Giants fan in them.
Coincidence? Or conspiracy?
They Might Be Giants
Listen to the creations of this composer & you'll be transported
to a higher state of musical appreciation & understanding. Then have some pie.
The music of Kevin Riepl
They come in peace, & in the name of sci-fi-surf-rock!
Man Or Astroman
Only one man has a sound like this..& that man is Sean
Penn's little brother...the TALENTED one!
Michael Penn
A musician with a flair for the unique. Journey to his
page & wonder at all his accumulated knowledge.
The Invisible
Let this musicial artist with a voice of an angel straight
from the roaring 20's educate you in the misunderstood art of playing cutlery.
Musical Spoons
Ladies & gentlemen, The Utterly Fantastic & Totally Unbelievable
Sound Of...
Los Straitjackets!
Audio artwork at it's best!
Still think the moon landings were faked? Then I pitty
you. Let Phill Plait educate you where the conspiracies and movies get science
Bad Astronomy
The nightsky is full of wonders, if you just know where
to look. Be sure to check his list of satellites in your sky, when they pass
overhead & where they're comming down!
Dr. Sky's page of Astronomy & Aeronautics
One of the best backyard astronomy magazines for the youngsters.
Be sure to look for Ulysses 4-11, Bolo & Beke.
Odyssey Magazine
A great source of star charts for those of you looking
for Quazars & Pulsars in your backyard.
National Geographic's
Interactive Star Charts
Hey! Would you like to understand cosmic string theory?
Sure, we ALL do!
Dr. Michio Kaku, Prof. of Theoretical Physics
The computer Juggernaught that embodies mainstream esoterica...whatever
that is.
Apple Computer
Yet another constantly updated macintosh news site of reliable reputation.
Covering the less official side of Macintosh rumors is
this little known secret.
As The Apple turns
The inventors of the best Mac video game...& also one of
the first, Maelstrom!
Ambrosia Software
For Up-to-the-minute Macintosh coverage everyday, there's no substitue.
The creator of the term 'Fortean' was Mr. Charles Fort.
He is dead now. This is his magazine.
Fortean Times
The master of UFO's, Chem-Trails & Cryptids has returned
from retirement!
Coast To Coast AM
Every town has a local myth, a story, and an abandoned
insane asylum. Why should New Jersey be any different?
Weird NJ
'But I don't live in New Jersey!', you sob. Don't fret! Weird NJ has thought of everything!
Weird U.S.
Go there. See it. Understand it. Learn.
The Coral Castle
Novelty? Or forerunner?
The Death Clock
From Sedona New Mexico, the rantings of an ex-Walter Cronkite
/ NASA liason.
The Enterprise Mission
A site that will be missed. Its fortean address will
be memorialized here for now on.
The Unexplained Site
From the U.K. comes this mag about..hey look, more odd
Fate Magazine
Bari Lyne's Vemma miracle drink
Vemma Drinks
Because he IS a big fat idiot.
Moore Lies.com
Graphic printing services done by professionals!
Ideal Graphic Company,
An archive of all
the gee-gaws that decended upon the world in the decade of neon, a.k.a. the
80's. Set brains for 'Flashback' now!
If you liked the old Disney Afternoon, then you should het a kick out of this.
The Disney Afternoon file
Time (or DAFT)!
Comming to you from the wilds of Conneticut, the one
radio show that's not afraid to play...nothing.
Radio Nothing
The is the reigning king of all holidays...shame Australia
doesn't have it yet.
Halloween Online
Go here if you're sick of PTA ranting all day about pumpkins.
Jack O'Lantern.com
A center for knowledge that follows PTA's yearning for
classic esoterica & the unusual.
The Institute Of Official
The center of the Institute's power. PTA approves!
Get your board, your SPF 30+ & your life insurance!
Planet Surf
Homestar Runner
http://amandalollar.com http://www.batworld.org
All materials on the Paradox Tulpa Arts
webpage are created/copywritten/protected by Juston DeCristofaro.
©2011 Juston DeCristofaro