Halloween Safety For Safety's Sake
Make sure your kids dress up safely!
Check that the costumes are flame-retardent
so the little ones aren't in danger near burning Jack O' Lanterns
& other fire hazards.
Keep costumes short to prevent trips, falls & other bumps in the night.
Try make-up instead of a mask.
Masks can be hot & uncomfortable &, more importantly,
they can obstruct a child's vision - a dangerous
thing when kids are crossing streets & going up & down streets.
Make sure kids wear light colors or put on reflective tape.
Even fake swords, knives & other props that come with costumes can hurt.
Be sure to use cardboard or other flexible materials to make your kids accessories out of.
Trick-or-treaters always should be in groups so they aren't a tempting
target for real-life goblins (a.k.a. thugs & criminals).
Parents should accompany young children.
Make Trick-Or-Treating Trouble Free
Make sure older kids trick-or-treat with friends.
Together, map out a route so parents know where they'll be.
Tell them to stop only at familiar homes where the
outside lights are on.
Try to get your kids to trick-or-treat while it's
still light out. If it's dark, make sure someone
has a flashlight & pick well-lighted streets.
Kids need to know not to eat their treats until they get home.
One way to keep trick-or-treaters from digging in while they're still out
is to feed them a meal or snack beforehand.
What to eat?
Only unopened candies & other treats that are in original wrappers.
Don't forget to inspect fruit & homemade goodies for anything suspicious.
By all means, remind kids not to eat everything at once or they'll
be feeling pretty ghoulish for a while.
Consider This
Parents & kids can avoid trick-or-treating troubles entirely
by organizing a Halloween costume party with treats, games, contests, ect.
Schools, farms, fire fighters, libraries or civic groups in many communities
organize 'haunted houses' & other Halloween festivities for families.
Samhain can be a lot of fun for parents & kids alike - if everybody remembers the tricks & the treats of playing it safe!
Please do not redistribute these images without our permission.
All materials on the Paradox Tulpa Arts webpage
are created/copywritten/protected by Juston DeCristofaro.